Le Courrier Médical et Psychiatrique de Kinshasa

working UIj5-SAOImage-DS9-8.0.1.dmg where download

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Description: SAOImage DS9 Teaching Tools Education Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 27546 KB


Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Image DS9 (SAOImage DS9) is an astronomical imaging and data visualization application. DS9 supports FITS images and binary tables, multiple frame buffers, region manipulation, and many scale algorithms and colormaps. It provides for easy communication with external analysis tasks and is highly configurable and extensible.
DS9 supports advanced features such as multiple frame buffers, mosaic images, tiling, blinking, geometric markers, colormap manipulation, scaling, arbitrary zoom, rotation, pan, and a variety of coordinate systems. DS9 also supports FTP and HTTP access.
The GUI for DS9 is user configurable. GUI elements such as the coordinate display, panner, magnifier, horizontal and vertical graphs, button bar, and colorbar can be configured via menus or the command line.

to 10.14.2 SAOImage_DS9_v.8.0.3_XrI.dmg

Recomended on Mac Pro SAOIMAGE_DS9_8.0.5_KFRNGW.ZIP

New MacBook Air ver_8.1.1_SAOImage_DS9_w0U.app

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

Software key SAOImage DS9

New on 10.11.6 KSNR2N.GUNS.OF.ICARUS.2.6.5F3.APP (35225 kb) 3.6.1f3

Recomended! version TouchBarSpaceFight-ver.-3.0-LNkd.zip (14848 kb) 2.0

10.12.6 5oKD.2.0.8.Ondesoft.iTunes.DRM.Media.Converter.zip (3834 kb) 2.3.6

Featured for iMac Pro XYUA-3.3.2-SEINTELLIGENCE.ZIP (14902 kb) 3.0.5

(25066 kb) App SAOIMAGE DS9 VERSION 8.0.5 LHBFAK 8.1.1 on MacBook

(29474 kb) Free EcjKP SAOImage DS9 version 8.0.4 8.3.1 Recomended for 10.12

(32779 kb) Software JSV SAOImage DS9 version 8.0.3 8.0.2 New! version

(24791 kb) XD48 10.0.1 SAOIMAGE DS9 8.0.4 on Mac Pro

(29198 kb) Get EXPAQ VERSION 8.0.3 SAOIMAGE DS9 8.1.1 Best for 10.13.6
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