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Open the Code editor for the class. be patient And don't forget the do's and don'ts of pair programming: If you'd like to learn more about the kind of animation you saw in FatCat, download this scenario and look at the Cat and AnimatedAnimal classes. The addObject method is used to automatically add Actor instances, which requires the Actor class name and the x and y coordinates of the location in the world where the instance should be placed. A new instance is specified using the new keyword. Screen grabbing
WizBang Also, you will maybe need to add the following below the package statement: Once you have successfully compiled, you can create objects again. Compilation (if successful) automatically instantiates a world object. Examples: To insert an isKeyDown() method into the act() method of a class: Right click on the world. Open the Code editor for the Ant class. Adobe Flash Player (latest)*
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