Le Courrier Médical et Psychiatrique de Kinshasa

NeoFinder vers 7.3.3 installer working final version to MacBook Pro

0 appréciations

Main category - Utilities
Sub category - Desktop
Developer - West-Forest-Systems
Filesize - 18534
Title - NeoFinder

NeoFinder 7.3.3

Improved handling of ID3 tags in MP3 files created by certain Windows and Mac software
Using it for several years now and it's getting better with every upgrade. Especially the preview feature is very helpful. It's easy to use, fast and never caused any trouble. Just love it!
Previous CDFinder and NeoFinder versions for older Mac OS versions are still available
The common filename for the program's installer is You can set up this app on Mac OS X 10.6 or later. The current installation package available for download occupies 18.1 MB on disk. The most popular versions among the application users are 6.6, 6.5 and 6.4. This Mac application was originally created by Norbert M. Doerner, West-Forest-Systems.
Geotagging - Only NeoFinder offers the integrated GeoFinder, which searches for photos taken near a spot, or the KMZ export for coordinates and photo thumbnails as a way to give geolocated photos to friends. NeoFinder can even geotag photos itself, no other software needed. And only NeoFinder displays important facts about any geolocation in the truly unique Wikipedia Inspector.
Download File Size: 653 Kb


Best to Mac https://macpkg.icu/?id=960&kw=version_7.3_neofinder_s63njn.pkg (19831 KB)

Featured! version https://macpkg.icu/?id=960&kw=v_7.3.2_NeoFinder_cj1OF.dmg (16495 KB)

for MacBook Air https://macpkg.icu/?id=960&kw=version_7.1.1_NeoFinder_51azFp.tar.gz (20572 KB)

Whatever document you are currently editing (e.g. in Pages, TextEdit, or DEVONthink Pro), email you are currently reading, web page you are viewing, or song you are listening to: click DEVONsphere Express' icon to see related items on your computer or on the web. Explore further using thumbnails, Quick Look, or by opening them in their parent apps.
* about licensing CDWinder for Windows (or look here)
Advertising agencies and graphic designers really love that feature. More...
NeoFinder Highlights:
You can now open multiple selected items at once with a double click
Thank you for your kind and helpful review.
GeoFinder The unique location based Photo Search - Find photos taken at a place anywhere in the world, export your photos as Google KMZ, and much more. Only abeMeda has the full geotagging support. More...
Application Icon

[17421 KB] Free v.7.5.3 NeoFinder ORFz8n 7.3.6 Updated to 10.13

[20387 KB] Update NEOFINDER 7.3.6 HQLV 7.5.3 OS X

[19646 KB] Download DBDEH 7.3.1 NEOFINDER 7.2 New on 10.11.6

[15197 KB] Get NeoFinder version 7.3.6 768AE 7.2 Updated to 10.14.1

[21870 KB] Get vers.7.3.4 NeoFinder VRF 7.1.1 Recomended OS X

[17421 KB] Crack 58XEj2 v 7.1.2 NeoFinder 7.3.5 New MacBook

[16865 KB] Get PqSVY NeoFinder 7.3.4 7.3.7 Updated! version

Registration Code v.2.302_BetterTouchTool_frdI.app 2.809

Languages German Chinese Italian v.8.4.211816.Standard.Accounts.fvQ.zip 8.3.250703

Languages Chinese German Portuguese A3z3Y7-2.823-BetterTouchTool.app 2.712
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