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- hide statusbar in full screen mode on iPhone
You can then use this Finder window to navigate your hard drive until you find the folder where you want to save your file.
- Send song as PDF mail attachment
Built in Flow Control
Once you’re in your Downloads folder, here’s some guidance on how to clean it up.
- Chord row for songs bigger on iPad, will stay on when rotating device
Key list
Execute Scripts - Sync with Google Drive - The search is always performed on all songs even if a tab is selected. Need 4 more minutes to fill out a 45-minute set? Sort your catalog by duration, and your shortest songs will be grouped together. Want to keep the crowd dancing? Sort your songs by tempo to find the songs with a similar pace. Looking to transition from A minor to C Major? Sort the catalog by key signature, and you’ll find all your songs in C instantly. With Setlists, designing the perfect set has never been easier. 22.83MB Messages and Notes can be sent to any screen Support {musicpath: 3} to link to local music files in SongBook folder Press Contacts
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