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installer Subler 1.5.14 to 10.13

0 appréciations

Main category / Multimedia Design
Sub category / Video
Developer / Damiano Galassi
Filesize / 20378
Title / Subler

vers 1.5.14 Subler

Subler existing_metadata property is now returned as a list of Atoms Fixes "studio" and "copyright" info not being found when searching metadata on the iTunes Store. YAMB Alternatives for Mac - As of PySubler version 0.4.0 you can optionally use the pysubler command line utility to interactively write metadata to your files. More information is provided in the Docs, but the gist of interactive tagging is to run the pysubler cli like so Subler allows you to change a few characteristics for selected video or audio tracks. You can change a video's resolution, aspect ratio and offset, increase or decrease the audio track's volume, assign a subtitle track and more. It is also possible to insert chapters every few minutes in the video's timeline. Choose your MKV file that you want to remux for your Apple TV. Subler shows you all the available tracks in the video (normally at least one video and one audio stream). Just add them all because you can select the right ones in the next step.


Featured on MacBook Pro https://macpkg.icu/?id=31647&kw=Subler_ver_1.4.2_keBHqp.zip

Updated to MacBook Pro https://macpkg.icu/?id=31647&kw=v.1.5.16.Subler.hTQ8aM.dmg

Mac https://macpkg.icu/?id=31647&kw=1.4.10_SUBLER_PRX.PKG

Key for repack

MacBook Pro Theft Protection Plan
Your movie now has a subtitle track removed from it
Subler 1.5.13
If the components are still not detected, contact Technical Support.
Thanks to Anthony and others who recommended Subler in the comments.
Major changes: Redesigned preferences window
Srt File Format
Club MacStories will help you discover the best apps for your devices and get the most out of your iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Plus, it's made in Italy.

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[19359 kbytes] Update SUBLER VERS.1.4.4 EBWY 1.3.6 New! version

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on 10.14.1 v.1.8.1639._BigHairyGoal_uDoMB.dmg (22529 kb) 2.5.5801
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