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vers. 7.3.3 neofinder download for MacOS

0 appréciations

Main category, Utilities
Sub category, Desktop
Developer, West-Forest-Systems
Filesize, 18534
Title, NeoFinder


NeoFinder, previously named CDFinder, is a utility that helps you organize photo, movie, DVD or music collections. The program might prove to be of good use if you're dealing with large media collections and wish to immediately organize them according to your needs.
Find Any File is a program for Mac OS X that lets you search for files on your disks.
You may not notice that, there are a few of Mac applications that come with dedicated uninstallation programs. Though the method mentioned above can solve the most app uninstall problems, you can still go for its installation disk or the application folder or package to check if the app has its own uninstaller first. If so, just run such an app and follow the prompts to uninstall properly. After that, search for related files to make sure if the app and its additional files are fully deleted from your Mac.
* Get place name information for items with a Geotag, and optionally write this into the image
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Version on 10.11.6 https://macpkg.icu/?id=960&kw=7.3.5_NeoFinder_i2YO.pkg [21314 kbytes]

Best for 10.12.4 https://macpkg.icu/?id=960&kw=neofinder-version-8.3.3-jxu.pkg [20387 kbytes]

Software key NeoFinder

Author/Publisher: Pescados Software
Filed under
Cataloging - NeoFinder catalogs metadata of songs, movies, fonts, and photos, including the MP3-Tags of several audio file formats, EXIF, GPS, and IPTC data of photos. NeoFinder also edits Adobe XMP data, including keywords. All these are arranged clearly in the user interface, and can be extensively searched. For numerous photo and video formats, fonts, text files, and even audio files, NeoFinder generates thumbnails during cataloging, displaying them in all list and icon views.
* Improved Inspector with Find context menu for many data fields, to find similar items quickly
If you do not wish that every user in the network may change the catalogs in the data folder, just use the access privileges that your server provides! Allow only one or a few administrators write access to the catalog data folder and its subfolders, while everyone else just has read access. NeoFinder will honor these access rights and handle accordingly.
NeoFinder - Home | Facebook
Modification Date: October 12, 2018
NeoFinder now uses the new EXIFTool version 10.12 for geotagging

[14827 KB] Software version 7.3.6 NeoFinder ZrrF 7.1.3 Featured! version

[17792 KB] App v 7.3.5 NeoFinder QAM 8.3.3 Best to El Captan

[17051 KB] Software M7DWsi version 7.3.1 NeoFinder 7.1.3 New OS X

[15197 KB] Get DCpqu vers.7.3 NeoFinder 7.3.2 Best 10.11.4

[18163 KB] Update NEOFINDER VER 7.2 GW9A 7.4.3 New on Mac Pro

[17421 KB] Software VER. 7.1 NEOFINDER KWB 7.4.3 Version 10.14.2

[20387 KB] Free MLATOO VERSION 7.3.7 NEOFINDER 7.3.4 to iMac

for 10.12.6 2017.8-NeoOffice-Csx.dmg {273100 KB} 2017.13

Sierra 0UIAsd.9.0.4.Keynote.tar.gz {517079 KB} 8.0
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