Le Courrier Médical et Psychiatrique de Kinshasa

stable last version how install 💫 Versatile clipboard manager.

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; FlyingBlackHat; Productivity; Copy n Go; 12595 KB

╳ Copy n Go vers 1.4.2

Copy n Go is a clipboard manager. Unlike the standard clipboard, Copy n Go can contain a large number of items. No more continuous switching between apps. Copy everything first, then paste where you need.

- Clip history - Copy as many items as you like in the copy history. The maximum number of items can be set in the preferences.
- Blacklist - If you have application for which you do not want to save copied items, you can add these applications in the blacklist.
- Search - Search in the copy history to find what you need
- Favorites - Mark frequently used items as favourite. In the preferences you can set to only keep your favourites when stopping the application.
- Types - Copy n Go support the following types: images, text, RTF, files.
- Menu-bar icon - For easy access to you copy history you can activate a menu-bar icon.

Best to iMac J3ER-COPY-N-GO-V.1.3.1.DMG (14484 kb)

New Mac Pro ver_1.7.2_Copy_n_Go_b539.app (11335 kb)

Recomended for 10.11.6 1.2-Copy-n-Go-EFp1v.app (12343 kb)

Updated version 59ypt_1.4_Copy_n_Go.app (11083 kb)

Version on iMac Pro 4NC1-1.4.4-Copy-n-Go.pkg (12217 kb)

El Captan VERS.1.4.1.COPY.N.GO.VEAP.DMG (14736 kb)

Official site: https://www.flyingblackhat.com/wp/copyngo/

Serial key Copy n Go 1.4.2

to High Sierra V.1.9.9.TRASH.X.U2TD.ZIP (4752 KB) 2.9.5

Recomended for MacBook FileMagnet_3.2.2_axO.dmg (759 KB) 1.5.2

New on OS X vers-1.2.1-Farkle-Blast-oPwr.app (43502 KB) 1.0.5

| 12091 KB | Free COPY N GO VERS.1.4 DMWUU 1.0 10.14.3

| 13980 KB | Software cLL2N version 1.3.2 Copy n Go 1.5.2 New High Sierra

| 13602 KB | Free VER. 1.2 COPY N GO SRQT 1.4.5 New El Captan

| 12343 KB | Update JPJ8 VER 1.4.5 COPY N GO 2.4.2 Featured for El Captan

| 14232 KB | Get VER. 1.0 COPY N GO OJWSY 1.1 Featured on 10.11
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