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install vers 3.8.7 TunnelBear Mac mini

0 appréciations

Main category, Internet
Sub category, Internet Utilities
Developer, TunnelBear Inc.
Filesize, 24576
Title, TunnelBear

3.8.7 TunnelBear

TunnelBear is likable for its quirky branding and European connection speeds, but the company’s base in a Five Eye country is a concern from a user privacy standpoint. Security-minded individuals should look elsewhere for a VPN service. It’s always good to see a free option, as you can use that to test out the app and the service. The bandwidth you can use is only 500 MB per month, though. It just stops, I don’t know – perhaps I’ve just reached the limit. They tout a transparent “no-logging policy” and discloses the specific information required to run the service. Their terms and conditions in that respect can be found below: The service also provides strong data authentication and secure Diffie-Hellman key exchange to ensure that you’re connecting to a TunnelBear server and not a nefarious man-in-the-middle miscreant. Tunnelbear VPN has offered beyond what my expectations were and exceeded them!

Official site:

iMac Pro https://macpkg.icu/?id=50783&kw=nUPQOC_3.7.1_TunnelBear.pkg (25559 kbytes)

Updated High Sierra https://macpkg.icu/?id=50783&kw=60s_TunnelBear_v.3.8.9.dmg (27525 kbytes)

Version for Mojave https://macpkg.icu/?id=50783&kw=version-3.6.3-TunnelBear-D9p3.app (28999 kbytes)

I use it quite rarely, so I don’t exceed the 500mb a month, but for what I need it is on point. The app itself is built well and looks really nice, so practically anyone can use it without prior extensive knowledge of VPNs. So far it never crashed or errored. There’s a handful of location that you can “tunnel” to in a certain region. All in all its pretty good for what it does. – Cons Laws concerning the use of this software vary from country to country. We do not encourage or condone the use of this program if it is in violation of these laws. Articles about Tunnelbear A Free Internet program for Mac Free Service TunnelBear 3.5.4 for Mac - Download Zip Required Version: 20

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