Le Courrier Médical et Psychiatrique de Kinshasa

2019 version vers..1.5b1.Airlock.tar.gz how download

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The M.H.A LLC, 3379 KB, Utilities, Security, Airlock

Airlock 1.5b1

Airlock can auto-lock and unlock your Mac by measuring the distance between your Mac and your iPhone or iPod Touch. It does this by communicating through Bluetooth.
It's super handy because when you're near your Mac, access is open. But when you walk away from your Mac, it automatically becomes more secure. And if there is no iPhone or iPod Touch present, it will default to asking for a normal user name and password.
Lastly, it can launch applications or AppleScript events when your go out of range, or come back. So you could have it close iChat when you leave, and open it when you return.

Updated version version-1.9b1-Airlock-lG5VfV.tar.gz [3818 KB]

Updated El Captan Airlock_ver._1.7b1_kq3j.dmg [3784 KB]

to 10.11.6 ver-2.5b1-Airlock-31Cdun.tar.gz [3716 KB]

Recomended for 10.11.5 Airlock_1.8b1_qe8O.pkg [3074 KB]


Best 10.12 TEFCZ-VER.-3.3.1-QUICKHOLD.DMG 3.0.3

Featured 10.12 ZWi1t-3.4-SysTools-Yahoo-Backup.pkg 3.2

Recomended 10.11.4 8DDBX-VER.-1.6-THE-TICKER.TAR.GZ 1.4

Version to Mac mini Realgrain-2.0.4-Vfy.tar.gz 2.0.2

(3514 kb) App Airlock ver. 1.8b1 F2wI 1.6b1 for El Captan

(3379 kb) Free Airlock vers 2.5b1 ZvZ3 1.6b1 New MacBook Air

(3919 kb) Update 1.7b1 Airlock LPOi7 1.8b1 to MacBook Pro

(3818 kb) WqPt Airlock version 1.7b1 3.5b1 Featured El Captan

(2973 kb) Download QAHE2 AIRLOCK VER 2.5B1 3.5b1 Recomended! version
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