La conception de la maladie mentale à Kinshasa Mémoire de spécialisation. 1982
La conception de la maladie mentale à Kinshasa
Mémoire de spécialisation
The goal of this work was to search for an explanation on the phenomenon of dismissal of the mental patient by the public of Kinshasa. An investigation by poll has been done from June 6/1981 to January 13/ 1982 on a population of 980 people, chosen within the population of Kinshasa.
The main idea that clears itself of the results is that, as regards to the understanding and the explanation, the mental trouble is not an illness but a consequence of tensions and pressures in the society. As regards to behavior towards the "mental patient" the attitude remains the dismissal and the abandonment to the hands of psychiatrists and in a mental hospital in order to calm the symptoms.
Après la peine de mort, l’hospitalisation involontaire, en milieu psychiatrique, demeure la punition la plus sévère que notre société puisse infliger à un être humain.
Le préjugé attaché à la maladie mentale est si profond qu’il entraine des sentiments de culpabilité et qu‘il devient gênant de parler publiquement de ce problème.